Celkem nalezeno: 135 záznamů |
de Chambrier A.,
Kuchta R.,
Kyslík J., Benovics B.,
Scholz T. (2025) The North American tapeworm Ophiotaenia saphena (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) in frogs (Ranidae) of Europe: introduction via the American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) Systematics and Biodiversity
23: 2435831.
DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2024.2435831
Mazanec H., Koník P.,
Bušková N.,
Kyslík J.,
Gardian Z.,
Bílý T.,
Jirků K.,
Kuchta R. (2025) Insights into extracellular vesicle biogenesis and secretion of the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta: Host interaction and cultivation dynamics International Journal for Parasitology
55: 69–77.
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.11.005
Dallarés S.,
Kuchta R. (2024) New species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 (Cestoda: Diphyllidea) from Indo-Pacific maskrays (Neotrygon Castelnau) off Australia and Borneo Folia Parasitologica
71: 003.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2024.003
de Chambrier A.,
Kuchta R.,
Scholz T. (2024) Three new species of Ophiotaenia La Rue, 1911 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) from dipsadine snakes (Squamata: Colubridae) in Ecuador Folia Parasitologica
71: 020.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2024.020
Kuchta R., Phillips A.J.,
Scholz T. (2024) Diversity and biology of Spirometra tapeworms (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea), zoonotic parasites of wildlife: A review International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife
24: 100947.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2024.100947
Riera-Ferrer E.,
Mazanec H.,
Mladineo I., Konik P., Piazzon M.C.,
Kuchta R., Palenzuela O., Estensoro I., Sotillo J., Sitjà-Bobadilla A. (2024) An inside out journey: biogenesis, ultrastructure and proteomic characterisation of the ectoparasitic flatworm Sparicotyle chrysophrii extracellular vesicles Parasites and Vectors
17: 175.
DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06257-x
Scholz T.,
Kuchta R. (2024) Proteocephalidae La Rue, 1911 (Family). In: S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner (Eds.), Concepts in Animal Parasitology. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
Chapter 20: 276–282.
DOI: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap070
Scholz T.,
Kuchta R. (2024) Diphyllobothriidea Kuchta et al., 2008 (Order): The Broad Tapeworms In: S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner (Eds.), Concepts in Animal Parasitology. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
Chapter 22: 289–298.
DOI: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap022
Scholz T.,
Kuchta R., Barčák D., Cech G., Oros M. (2024) Small intestinal flukes of the genus Metagonimus (Digenea: Heterophyidae) in Europe and the Middle East: A review of parasites with zoonotic potential Parasite
31: 20.
DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2024016
Fan C.-K., Barčák D.,
Scholz T., Sonko P., Orosová M., Su K.-E., Chang C.-C., Lee Y.-J.,
Kuchta R., Oros M. (2023) Broad tapeworms in Taiwan: A review of cases and molecular evidence of Dibothriocephalus nihonkaiensis Food and Waterborne Parasitology
33: e00213.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fawpar.2023.e00213
Kuchta R., Radačovská A., Čisovská Bazsalovicsová E., Králová-Hromadová I. (2023) Ups and downs of infections with the broad fish tapeworm Dibothriocephalus latus in Europe (Part II) and Asia from 1900 to 2020 Advances in Parasitology
122: 1-69.
DOI: 10.1016/bs.apar.2023.05.001
Mazanec H., Bušková N.,
Gardian Z.,
Kuchta R. (2023) Secretion of extracellular vesicles during ontogeny of the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus Folia Parasitologica
70: 003.
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2023.003
Scholz T., de Chambrier A., McAllister C.T., Tkach V.,
Kuchta R. (2023) Tapeworms (Cestoda: Ophiotaenia) from the Northern cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) Journal of Parasitology
409: 464-479.
DOI: 10.1645/23-32
Shinn A., Avenant-Oldewage A., Bondad-Reantaso M.G., Cruz-Laufer A.J., García-Vásquez A.,
Hernandez Orts J.,
Kuchta R., Longshaw M., Metselaar M., Pariselle A., Pérez-Ponce de León G., Pradhan P.K., Rubio-Godoy M., Sood N., Vanhove M.P.M., Deveney M.R. (2023) A global review of problematic and pathogenic parasites of farmed tilapia Reviews in Aquaculture
15 (Suppl. 1): 92–153.
DOI: 10.1111/raq.12742
Čisovská Bazsalovicsová E., Radačovská A., Lavikainen A.,
Kuchta R., Kráľová-Hromadová
I. (2022) Genetic interrelationships of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea), the causative agent of sparganosis in Europe Parasite
29: 8.
DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2022009
Montero R.,
Ho Chan T., Köllner B.,
Kuchta R., Vysloužil J., Podhorec P.,
Holzer A.,
Korytář T. (2022) The Acute Immune Responses of the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio to PLGA Microparticles—The Interactions of a Teleost Fish with a Foreign Material Biomolecules
12: 326.
DOI: 10.3390/biom12020326
Scholz T.,
Kuchta R. (2022) Fish tapeworms (Cestoda) in the molecular era: achievements, gaps & prospects Parasitology
149: 1876–1893.
DOI: 10.1017/S0031182022001202
Uhrovič D., Oros M.,
Kudlai O.,
Kuchta R.,
Scholz T. (2022) Archigetes Leuckart, 1878 (Cestoda, Caryophyllidea): diversity of enigmatic fish tapeworms with monoxenic life cycles Parasite
29: 6.
DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2022002
Barčák D., Fan C.K., Sonko P.,
Kuchta R.,
Scholz T., Orosová M., Chen H.-W., Oros M. (2021) Hidden diversity of the most basal tapeworms (Cestoda, Gyrocotylidea), the enigmatic parasites of holocephalans (Chimaeriformes) Scientific Reports volume
11: 5492 .
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-84613-y
Fraija-Fernández N., Waeschenbach A., Briscoe A., Hocking S.,
Kuchta R., Nyman T., Littlewood D. (2021) Evolutionary transitions in broad tapeworms (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) revealed by mitogenome and nuclear ribosomal operon phylogenetics Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
163: 107262.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107262