Funkce: Vedoucí laboratoře
Laboratoř molekulární ekologie a evoluce
Redakce Folia Parasitologica
+420 387775409
nová budova 5. patro
webs: personal
publication record
Date of birth: April 25, 1979
Research interests and expertise
Studies of molecular ecology, biogeography and evolutionary processes in vertebrates and parasites. Reconstructions of population genetic and phylogenetic relationships using molecular and computational biology tools, analyses of multilocus and genomic data. Conservation genetics and invasive species. Field sampling of metazoan biological material.
Fieldwork abroad: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador (Galápagos), several EU countries, Russia.
2008: PhD degree: Parasitology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia (USB). PhD thesis topic: Host specificity, genetic variability and genealogy in populations of model parasite species.
2003: Master degree: Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, USB. Thesis: Ecological aspects of hybridisation between fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata., 27 pp.
2001: Bachelor degree: Introductory Biology Programme, Faculty of Biological Sciences, USB.
Further education in molecular analyses and genomics:
2012: RADseq Workshop (GENECO, University of Lund, Sweden)
2011: Workshop on Genomics, Europe (Český Krumlov, Czech Rep.)
2009: Workshop on Molecular Evolution, Europe (Český Krumlov, Czech Rep.)
Professional appointments
2014-present: Research scientist – Laboratory head, Biology Centre, CAS.
2016-present: Associate professor (part time, full time from Sept. 2022), Faculty of Science, USB.
2014-2016: Research scientist & lecturer (part time), Faculty of Science, USB.
2011-2013: Postdoc researcher, Biology Centre, CAS & Faculty of Science, USB.
2009-2011: Marie Curie Galapagos Fellow, Entomology Department, NHM, London.
Organisation of international scientific meetings
2016 - 2022: Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics, Europe, Czech Rep., Co-director.
2018: 6th International Conference on Phthiraptera, Brno, Czech Rep., Scientific Committee Member.
2015 & 2013: Workshop on Molecular Evolution, Europe, Czech Rep., Co-director.
2012: Workshop on Genomics, Advanced Topic Sessions, Czech Rep., Associate co-director.
2010: Workshop on Molecular Evolution, Europe, Czech Rep., Teaching Assistant.
Five selected publications
Nazarizadeh M, Martinů J, Nováková M, Stanko M, Štefka J (2022) Phylogeography of the parasitic mite Laelaps agilis in Western Palearctic shows lineages lacking host specificity but possessing different demographic histories. BMC Zool., 7: 15.
Martinů J, Štefka J, Poosakkannu A, Hypša V (2020) “Parasite turnover zone” at secondary contact: a new pattern in host-parasite population genetics. Mol. Ecol., 29: 4653–4664.
Martinů J, Hypša V, Štefka J (2018) Host specificity driving genetic structure and diversity in ectoparasite populations: co-evolutionary patterns in Apodemus mice and their lice. Ecol. Evol., 8: 10008–10022.
Vlček J, Hoeck PEA, Keller LF, Wayhart J, Dolinová I, Štefka J (2016) Balancing selection and genetic drift create unusual patterns of MHCIIβ variation in Galápagos mockingbirds. Mol. Ecol., 25: 4757–4572.
Štefka J, Hoeck PEA, Keller LF, Smith VS (2011) A hitchhikers guide to the Galápagos: co-phylogeography of Galápagos mockingbirds and their parasites. BMC Evol. Biol., 11: 284.
Selected awards and fellowships
2018: Fulbright Fellowship. Fulbright Commission, USA.
2014: Otto Wichterle Award, received from the Czech Academy of Sciences.
2009-2011: Marie Curie Fellowship (IEF, FP7).
2008: Dean’s Award, Faculty of Science, USB, Czech Rep. Price awarded annually to two phd students for excellent scientific and study results.
Invited seminars and conference lectures (last 5 years, selected)
Štefka J (2022) Plenary lecture: Co-evolutionary imprints of genomic diversification in parasite populations. ESEB 2022, Prague, CZ.
Štefka J (2019) Seminars: Lousy & wormy tales: Drivers of population genetic divergence in host-parasite co-evolution. (University of Utah and University of Illinois).
Štefka J (2018) Seminar: Genetic diversity in host-parasite co-evolution (University of Basel).
Štefka J (2018) Seminar: Stowaways: tracing parasite introductions using genetics (Ostrava University).
Štefka J (2017) Seminar: Population genetics of parasite invasions (Masaryk University in Brno).
Defended theses: 1 PhD., 5 MSc. and 4 BSc. at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia (FS USB).
Currently supervising: 4 PhD., 1 MSc. and 1 BSc. theses at the FS, USB.
Teaching (at FS USB): Conservation Genetics (2012-present), Population and evolutionary genetics (2016-present); practicals in: Molecular Ecology (2011-present), Molecular Phylogenetics (2014-2015), Bioinformatics (2009) and Field Zoology (2006-2008).
2018-2019 (10 months): Fulbright Visiting Scholar. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Population genomics.
2009-2011: NHM, London, UK. Cophylogeography of ecological replicates: the coevolution and biogeography of Galapagos mockingbirds and their ectoparasites. Marie Curie Fellowship.
2007 (Nov.-Dec.): Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil. Field sampling with focus on the helminth fauna of endemic fishes.
2006-2007 (several short-term stays): Université Paul Sebatier Toulouse, France, Laboratoire Evolution Diversité Biologique, Research theme: Genetic variability in European populations of Ligula intestinalis. Barrande fellowship.
2006 (Apr.-Jun.): University of Glasgow, UK, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Research theme: Microsatellite characterization in Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), Socrates/Erasmus fellowship.
Nat. Ecol. Evol., Mol. Ecol., Mol. Biol. Evol., J. Biogeogr., Biol. J. Linn. Soc., Ecol. Evol., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., PLoS ONE, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., Int. J. Parasitol., Parasitology, J. Parasitol., Folia Zool., Aquat. Invasions, R. Soc. Open Sci., New Zeal. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., BMC Res. Notes Associate editor (for ectoparasites, ecology and co-evolution) in Folia Parasitologica.
Foreign collaborations (selected, last 5 years)
Dr. Julian Catchen (University of Illinois, USA) - computational population genomics.
Dr. Emiliano Trucchi (Marche Polytechnic University, IT) - population genomics.
Prof. Lukas Keller & Dr. Paquita Hoeck (Zurich University, CH) – Galápagos mockingbird evolution.
Dr. Ivica Králová-Hromadová & Dr. Eva Čisovská (Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK) - helminth evolution and invasive species.
Unix command line (advanced), bash scripting (intermediate), R scripting (intermediate), Python scripting (intermediate).
Czech (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), German (basic), Russian (basic).
Genetika v ochraně přírody / Conservation Genetics
Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity / Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia
Molekulární ekologie / Molecular Ecology
Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity / Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia
Populační a evoluční genetika / Population genetics
Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity / Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia
Damnjanović D.,
Nazarizadeh M., Pavel V., Chutný B., Johnsen A.,
Nováková M., Štefka J. (2025) Expanding the known haemosporidian parasite diversity in Eurasian bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) subspecies through amplicon sequencing International Journal for Parasitology
: 137–150. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.11.007
Martinů J., Štefka J., Vránková K.,
Hypša V. (2025) Different life strategies of closely related louse species in sympatry: specialist and „generalist“ lineages of Polyplax serrata International Journal for Parasitology
: 27-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.10.003
Vlček J., Espinoza-Ulloa S., Cowles S.A., Ortiz-Catedral L., Coutu C., Chaves J.A., Andrés J., Štefka J. (2025) Genomes of Galápagos mockingbirds reveal the impact of island size and past demography on inbreeding and genetic load in contemporary populations Molecular Ecology
: e17665. DOI: 10.1111/mec.17665
Bílková P., Vlček J.,
Cvetković T., Štefka J., Sedláček F. (2024) Odour preferred males led to a higher offspring number in the common vole Mammalian Biology
: 287-298. DOI: 10.1007/s42991-024-00406-6
Damnjanović D.,
Nazarizadeh M.,
Wisniewska M., Pavel V., Chutný B., Johnsen A.,
Nováková M., Štefka J. (2024) Limited genetic depletion despite extinction risk: genomic diversity of a peripheral population of red-spotted bluethroats in central Europe Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
: zlae094. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae094
Drábková M. , Štefka J. (2024) Dicyema moschatum Trends in Parasitology
: 858-859. DOI: 10.1016/
Martinů J., Tarabai H., Štefka J.,
Hypša V. (2024) Highly resolved genomes as a tool for studying speciation history of two closely related louse lineages with different host specificities Genome Biology and Evolution
: evae045. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evae045
Nazarizadeh M.,
Nováková M., Drábková M. , Catchen J., Olson P., Štefka J. (2024) Highly resolved genome assembly and comparative transcriptome profiling reveal genes related to developmental stages of tapeworm Ligula intestinalis Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
: 20232563. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.2563
Barth J.M.I., Handley S.A., Kintzl D., Leonard G., Malinsky M., Matschiner M., Meyer B.S., Salzburger W., Štefka J., Trucchi E. (2023) The history and organization of the workshop on population and speciation genomics Evolution: Education and Outreach
: 2. DOI: 10.1186/s12052-023-00182-w
Nazarizadeh M.,
Nováková M., Loot G., Gabagambi N., Fatemizahed F., Osano O., Presswell B., Poulin R., Vitál Z.,
Scholz T., Halajian A., Trucchi E., Kočová P., Štefka J. (2023) Historical dispersal and host-switching formed the evolutionary history of a globally distributed multi-host parasite – The Ligula intestinalis species complex Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
: 107677. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107677
Vlček J., Miláček M., Vinkler M., Štefka J. (2023) Effect of population size and selection on Toll-like receptor diversity in populations of Galapagos mockingbirds Journal of Evolutionary Biology
: 109-120. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.14121
Drábková M., Kocot K.M., Halanych K.M., Oakley T.H., Moroz L.L., Kuris A., Garcia-Vedrenne A.E., Pankey M.S., Ellis E.A., Varney R., Štefka J., Zrzavý J. (2022) Different phylogenomic methods support monophyly of enigmatic 'Mesozoa' (Dicyemida plus Orthonectida, Lophotrochozoa) Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
: 1978. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.0683
Nazarizadeh M.,
Martinů J.,
Nováková M., Stanko M., Štefka J. (2022) Phylogeography of the parasitic mite Laelaps agilis in Western Palearctic shows lineages lacking host specificity but possessing different demographic histories BMC Zoology
: 15. DOI: 10.1186/s40850-022-00115-y
Nazarizadeh M., Peterka J., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Čech M., Holubová M., Souza A., Blabolil P., Muška M., Tsering L., Bartoň D., Říha M., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vejřík L., Frouzová J., Jarić I., Prchalová M., Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies. Folia Parasitologica
: 18. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018
Nazarizadeh M., Peterka J., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Čech M., Holubová M., Souza A., Blabolil P., Muška M., Tsering L., Bartoň D., Říha M., Šmejkal M., Tušer M., Vejřík L., Frouzová J., Jarić I., Prchalová M., Vejříková I., Štefka J. (2022) Different hosts in different lakes: occurrence and prevalence of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Czech water bodies Folia Parasitologica
: 18. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2022.018
Quijano F.R., Debora G.R., Štefka J., Kowalewski M.M. (2022) Lice in Howler Monkeys and the Ancient Americas: Exploring the Potential Cost of Being Past Pets or Hunting Games In: B. Urbani, D. Youlatos, A.T. Antczak (Eds.), World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Nonhuman Primates in the Past. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Radačovská A., Čisovská Bazsalovicsová E., Šoltys K., Štefka J., Minárik G., Gustinelli A., Chugunova J.K., Králová-Hromadová I. (2022) Unique genetic structure of the human tapeworm Dibothriocephalus latus from the Alpine lakes region – a successful adaptation? Parasitology
: 1106-1118. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182022000634
Štefka J.,
Votýpka J.,
Lukeš J., Balvín O. (2022) Parasite of the month: Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus (Bed bugs) Trends in Parasitology
: 919–920. DOI: 10.1016/
Dokumenty ke stažení:
Stefka_2022_TrendParasitol (pdf)
Balvín O., Bubová T., Sasínková M.,
Martinů J., Löv J., Raška T., Štefka J. (2021) Tropické štěnice v evropských domácnostech Vesmír
: 460-463.
Balvín O., Sasínková M.,
Martinů J.,
Nazarizadeh M., Bubová T., Booth W., Vargo E.L., Štefka J. (2021) Early evidence of establishment of the tropical bedbug (Cimex hemipterus) in Central Europe Medical and Veterinary Entomology
: 462-467. DOI: 10.1111/mve.12522
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