Zveme vás na seminář : RNDr. Marie Jalovecká, Ph.D. - Gene editing techniques – lessons learned from Plasmodium replication. (in English). Seminář se koná ve čtvrtek 10. října 2019 od 13:00 hod v budově C, v místnosti C2.
International mobility is a fundamental part of research career. If you are students, PhD students or postdocs, you have many opportunities to apply for. You just need to know your options and plan in time. Planning and timing is everything! You can move forward or kill your career. Join the workshop and develop your research career.
Foto: The black-legged or deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) is responsible for transmitting Lyme disease in the northeast, mid-Atlantic, and north-central United States. Image credit: Shutterstock/Steven Ellingson. LYMErix was on the market for just four years. Concerns over adverse reactions and a lukewarm reception from public health agencies led the vaccine’s...
The general mRNA exporters Mex67 and Mtr2 play distinct roles in nuclear export of tRNAs in Trypanosoma brucei . Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are central players in protein synthesis, which in Eukarya need to be delivered from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by specific transport receptors, most of which belong to the evolutionarily conserved beta-importin family. Based on the available...