Pozvánka na Sounds of Science
Akce se bude konat 23. června 2022 od 17:00 do 20:30 v Národním domě na Vinohradech a je organizována Francouzským velvyslanectvím a Francouzským institutem v Praze. Na akci vystoupí tři francouzští nobelisté (Jean-Marie Lehn – Nobelova cena za Chemii, Jean Tirole – Nobelova cena za Ekonomii, Thomas Ebbesen – Kavliho cena za Nanovědy) a hudebně ji doprovodí francouzský pianista a skladatel Karol Beffa. Akce bude probíhat v angličtině a bude ji moderovat Daniel Stach.
V případě zájmu se prosím obracejte na Pavlu Votrubovou - pavla.votrubova@paru.cas.cz, linka: 5403
The French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the French Institute in Prague are organizing a general public scientific conference called “Sounds of Science” on June 23rd, 2022. This exceptional event will bring together three leading French scientists:
- Jean-Marie Lehn (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987)
- Jean Tirole (Nobel Prize in Economy 2014)
- Thomas Ebbesen (Kavli Prize for Nanoscience 2014)
They will present the latest scientific concepts in their respective disciplines in an accessible way for the general public, from high school students to researchers.
A musical performance by the renowned French pianist, composer and musicologist Karol Beffa will complement this scientific programme, including the screening of a 1920 silent movie by René Clair, "Paris qui dort/ The Crazy Ray", with improvised piano accompaniment.
This event will be held in English.
Moderator: Daniel Stach (Česká televize).
Tentative programme:
[17:00 – 17:15] Welcome addresses:
- Mr Alexis Dutertre, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic
- Ms Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Ms Milena Králíčková, Rector of the Charles University
- Mr Pavel Matějka, Rector of the University of Chemistry and Technology
[17:15 – 17:45] Presentation by Prof. Jean-Marie LEHN and discussion
[17:45 – 17:50] Musical performance by Karol Beffa
[17:50 – 18:20] Presentation by Prof. Jean TIROLE and discussion
[18:20 – 18:30] Musical performance by Karol Beffa
[18:30 – 19:00] Break
[19:00 – 19:30] Presentation by Prof. Thomas EBBESEN and discussion
[19:30 – 20:30] Screening of the French silent science fiction comedy "Paris qui dort/ The Crazy Ray"; directed by René Clair, with improvised piano accompaniment by Karol Beffa.
V případě zájmu se prosím obracejte na Pavlu Votrubovou - pavla.votrubova@paru.cas.cz, linka: 5403