Top 2% most influential scientists in the world
Citation metrics are widely used and misused. We have created a publicly available database of over 100,000 top-scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator. Separate data are shown for career-long and single year impact. Metrics with and without self-citations and ratio of citations to citing papers are given. Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. Field- and subfield-specific percentiles are also provided for all scientists who have published at least 5 papers. Career-long data are updated to end-of-2020. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.
The dataset and code provides an update to previously released version 1 data under; The version 2 dataset is based on the May 06, 2020 snapshot from Scopus and is updated to citation year 2019 available at
This version (3) is based on the Aug 01, 2021 snapshot from Scopus and is updated to citation year 2020.
The scientists from the Czech Republic are in the attached table (Elsevier_tab_PAU). Researchers from the Institute of Parasitology are on an extra sheet.