Studentské semináře: Veroniky Morávkové (MSc. student) a Kláry Charvátové (MSc. student)
Zveme vás na studentské semináře: "Analysis of genetic diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi across Central and Eastern Europe using multilocus sequence typing" "Phylogeny of coccidia of the genus Eimeria parasitizing Apodemus and arvicoline rodents in the area of the „contact zone“."
Katedra parazitologie Vás zve na semináře:
"Analysis of genetic diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi across Central and Eastern Europe using multilocus sequence typing" - Veronika Morávková (MSc. student), (in Slovak, with slides in English)
"Phylogeny of coccidia of the genus Eimeria parasitizing Apodemus and arvicoline rodents in the area of the „contact zone“." - Klára Charvátová (MSc. student), (in Czech, with slides in English)
Semináře se konají ve čtvrtek 26.11.2020 od 13:00 hod online v prostředí MS Teams.
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