How neoteny shapes human society: Can we escape our formative years, and fight the wrong kind of populism
This article describes aspects of our biological nature that have contributed to the dangerous current state of societal, ecological and climatological affairs. Next, it deals with stratagems to take these aspects into account, so as to allow us better choices. I will concentrate on the concepts of evolved group mechanisms and “neoteny” and explain why they direct our responses throughout our lives. The connection between our biological make‐up and our vulnerability to the current rise of certain kinds of irrational, undemocratic, populism is also laid bare. I will end by listing some simple, but possibly controversial, proposals that might have value in combating these societal tendencies and help decision making in a reality‐based, more scientific, manner.
It has been somewhat of a struggle to get these reflections published. At first sight this is surprising, because the following biological observations regarding the nature of that special animal, Homo sapiens, are so basic as to be unassailable. Listing the consequences of these aspects for our societal functioning seems just as straightforward. However, spelling out these consequences turns out to be unpalatable for many, maybe even most, of us. I would just ask the reader to temporarily supress instinctive urges towards outright dismissal. We can at least agree that we are experiencing a period of great upheaval, in which sound, fact‐based policies are going to be crucial. The central focus of this article: recognizing how aspects of our biology have contributed to the current state of affairs and how we should deal with them to allow better choices. I will briefly introduce the concepts of evolved group mechanisms and “neoteny,” discuss how they steer our responses throughout our lives, mix in some of the experiences that shaped my own thinking, and explain how this biological make‐up makes us vulnerable to the current rise of a certain kind of irrational, undemocratic, populism. I will end by formulating some simple ideas that might help to face the current and future challenges in a reality‐based manner.
Speijer,D.(2020).How neoteny shapes human society: Can we escape our formative years, and fight the wrong kind of populism? Bioessays e2000230.