Minisymposium – 19.12.2018
Lecture Hall C2, Building C, JCU campus
Talks will introduce and illustrate use of the new facilities (see program below). The purpose of the poster session is to showcase research from the faculty and visitors in order to facilitate and initiate new collaborations. So, please, bring posters (new or recycled) with you!
9:00 Opening – Prof. Tomáš Machula – Rektor and Prof. František Vácha – Dean, Faculty of Science
9:05 Overview of the centre – Roman Tuma
9:15 Keynote 1: Cryo-EM of viruses – Sarah Butcher (University of Helsinki)
10:00 RNA packaging in dsRNA viruses – Jack Bravo/Alex Borodavka (University of Leeds)
10:20 Imaging tools for following virus assembly in live cells – Marek Scholz
10:30 Coffee break and poster presentations (posters from faculty, visitors and collaborators)
11:00 Keynote 2: Protein translocation across membranes – Ian Collinson (University of Bristol)
11:45 Dynamics of the SecY lateral gate underpins ATP driven translocation – Joel Crossley
12:00 Keynote 3: Membrane protein dynamics by smFRET – Michael Schlierf (TU Dresden)
12:45 Buffett lunch and posters (all participants)
14:00 Protein production and characterization facility – Zdenek Franta
14:10 Crystallization and structure determination – Ivana Kuta-Smatanova
14:20 Mass spectrometry facility – Peter Konik
14:30 Revealing dynamics of hexameric ring helicase by mass spectrometry – Filip Dycka
14:40 Cryo-EM facility – Zdeno Gardian
14:50 Cryo-ET of chlorosomes – Tomas Bily
15:00 Single mol imaging – Tomas Fessl
15:10 David Kaftan – AFM and chlorosomes
15:20 Coffee break and posters/tour of facilities
15:50 Keynote 4: From molecular dynamics simulations to experimental data – Emanuele Paci (University of Leeds)
16:35 What drives self-assembly of chlorosomes: insights from computational chemistry – David Reha
16:50 Keynote 5: Viscoelastic approach to conformational changes in large complexes – Sarah Harris (University of Leeds)
17:20 – Closing remarks
17:30-onwards: Tour of facilities and poster session with beer, wine and nibbles