Datum: 07.12.2017
Studentský seminář
Zveme vás na studentský seminář:
- Veronika Tomancová (BSc. student) Diverzita kryptosporidií u divokých kachen. (in Czech)
- Pavlína Kočová (MSc. student) Population-genomic analysis of adaptation in a parasite with a wide host range – tapeworm Ligula intestinalis. (in Czech, slides in English)
- Pavla Heinclová (MSc . student) The effect of direct predation by different predators on cercarial populations of selected trematode species (Digenea). (in Czech, slides in English)
Seminář se koná ve čtvrtek 7. prosince 2017 od 13:00 hod v budově C, v místnosti C2.