Diplonemy v Current Biology a CIFAR
Tři články o diplonemách vyšly v časopisu Current Biology, IF2015 = 8,983:
Gawryluk R.M.R., del Campo J., Okamoto N., Strassert J.F.H., Lukeš J., Richards T.A., Worden A.Z., Santoro A.E., Keeling P.J. 2016: Morphological identification and single-cell genomics of marine diplonemids. Current Biology 26: 3053-3059.
Flegontova O., Flegontov P., Malviya S., Audic S., Wincker W., de Vargas C., Bowler C., Lukeš J., Horák A. 2016: Extreme diversity of diplonemid eukaryotes in the ocean. Current Biology 26: 3060-3065.
Vojtěch D., Archibald J.M. 2016: Evolution: Plumbing the depths of diplonemid diversity. Current Biology 26: R1272-R1296.
Článek o diplonemách "First photos emerge of elusive marine predators" vyšel i na webu CIFAR: