Mgr. Miloslav Jirků, Ph.D.
Job Position: Associated scientist - Laboratory of Fish Protistology , Gardener
+420 387775474
*16.3.1979, Opava, Czech Republic
Education and employment
- 2003 - graduated (M.Sc.) at the Faculty of Science, Palacki University, Olomouc, Czech Rep.; MSc. thesis: Biology of coccidia of the families Eimeriidae and Barroussiidae in frogs of the genus Rana in the Czech Republic
- 2003–2008 - PhD. study at the Dept. of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Brno, Czech Rep.; PhD. thesis: Systematics, biology, phylogeny & host-parasite interactions of coccidia & cryptosporidia (Apicomplexa) of Anura (Amphibia)
- 2006–present - research scientist, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice, Czech Rep.
Research acivities
- Coccidia of vertebrates (mainly poikilotherms)
- Myxozoa of amphibians and fish
- Ichtyoparasitology: from taxonomy to phylogeny, ecology and population genetics of fish parasites (since 2007): Turkana Lake, Nile River (Sudan), Lower Congo River (DR Congo)
- Conservation biology: bioinventory and land use planning for the Mayombe forest in the Cabinda province, Angola (2006–2008)
- Fisheries in the Lake Turkana, Kenya: parasitic diseases of fish, conservation of endemic fish, ichtyofaunistics and training of Kenyan colleagues (2008–2009)
Research projects
- Opening new chapter: Diversity, biology and phylogeny of Myxozoa parasitizing Amphibia; Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P506/10/2330 (2010–2013) – principal investigator (PI)
- Fish parasites of the Turkana Lake, Kenya: a model for study of evolutionary processes and impact of abiotic factors; Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, KJB600960813 (2008–2010) – PI
- Mayombe biodiversity conservation project - Cabinda, Angola; development cooperation project of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Czech Rep. (2006-2008) – PI
- Lake Turkana sustainable fishery development project; development cooperation project of the Ministry of agriculture of the Czech Rep. No.: 38/MZe/08-09 (since 2008 a joint project of the Biology Centre of the ASCR and Kenya Marine and Fishery Research Institute) – Co-PI
Co-operation (chronologically)
- Yeong C, Wildlife Reserves Singapore – since 2009 – joint project on Molecular and Morphological Comparative Analysis of Coccidians of African and Asian pangolins
- Mahmoud ZN, Department of Zoology, University of Khartoum, Sudan – since 2010 – joint project on ichtyoparasitology of the Nile basin
- Grigg M, Nationl Institute of Health, Washington DC, USA – since 2009 – diversity of Apicomplexa
- Njagi E, head of the Ichthyology Section, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya – since 2009 – collections of freshwater fish in Kenya (focus on Turkana basin)
- Stiassny MLJ, American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA – since 2008 – ichtyoparasitology of the Lower Congo Riv. (within the scope of the “Congo Project” of MLJS)
- Mutschmann F, Institute for Veterinary Medicine Maintenance of Lower Vertebrates and Exotic Animals, Berlin, Germany – since 2007– diversity and phylogeny amphibian Myxozoa
- Charo-Karisa H, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya – since 2008 – joint projects focused on ichtyoparasitology and fisheries development in Turkana, Kenya
- Slapeta J, University of Sydney, Australia – since 2008 – cryptosporidia
- Kvičerová J, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Rep. – since 2008 – Diversity and phylogeny of coccidians
- Lukeš J, Inst. of Parasitology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (BC ASCR), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Rep. – since 2006 – Diversity and phylogeny of Apicomplexa
- Oborník M, Inst. of Parasitology, BC ASCR, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Rep. – since 2006 – Diversity and phylogeny of Apicomplexa
- Fiala I, Inst. of Parasitology, BC ASCR, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Rep. – since 2006 – Diversity and phylogeny of Myxozoa
- Carlsson M, University of Uppsala, Sweden – 2006 – parasites of E-African Labeo spp.
- Whipps CM, State University of New York, USA – since 2005 – diversity and phylogeny of amphibian Myxozoa
- Bolek MG, Oklahoma State University, USA – since 2005 – diversity and phylogeny amphibian Myxozoa
- Wolfgang Böhme, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander König, Bonn, Germany – since 2005 – collections and phylogeny of selected Sub-Saharan herpetofauna
- Lainson R, Instituto de Evandro Chagas, Belem, Brasil – since 2005 – sampling of amphibian Myxozoa from Brasil
- Modrý D (former Ph.D. supervisor), Dept. of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic – since 2003 – Diversity and biology of Apicomplexa
- Malonza PK, head of the Herpetology Section, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya – since 2003 – collections of amphibians and reptiles in Kenya
- Kenya Wildlife Service – 2003-2005 – research of parasites of amphibians, reptiles etc.
BSc Students
- Barankiewicz Miroslav – Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice: Ecology of blood protists of Pelophylax ridibundus, defended – I 2010
- Lišková Jana – Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice: Monoxenous coccidia of caudate amphibians: diversity and developmental cycles, defended IV 2010
PhD Students
- Kodádková Alena – Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice: Taxonomy, biology and phylogeny of amphibian Myxozoa (since 2009)
- Jirsová Dagmar - Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice: Population genetics of the fish tapeworm Wenyonia virilis (since 2009)
Professional service
- Collection of parasitic protists of the Institute of Parasitology (IP ProtColl), Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic – founder and curator
- 39th Jirovec’s Protozoological days (conference of Czech and Slovak protistologists) in Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic – principal organiser
- Wildlife parasitology: theoretical and practical course (annual training in outdoor collecting & complex field/lab parasitological examinations of both invertebrates and vertebrates), Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (since 2010)
- Parasites of amphibians – within the scope of the Herpethology course, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (since 2008)
- Veterinary parasitology – practical course, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (2003-2007).
Field parasitology
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia
Total found: 62 records
Alaverdyan J., Celina S., Jirků M.,
Golovchenko M., Italiya J.,
Grubhoffer L.,
Rudenko N., Černý J. (2024) A first look at the relationship between large herbivore-induced landscape modifications and Ixodes ricinus tick abundance in rewilding sites Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
: 666-672. DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2023.0146 |
Perlík M., Ambrožová L., Jirků D., Jirků M., Šebek P. (2024) Microbiotope selection in saproxylic bees and wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata): cavity-nesting communities in forests and wooded pastures are affected by variation in openness but not deadwood. Journal of Insect Conservation
: 269-282. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-023-00545-0 |
Bluhm H., Diserens T.A., Engleder T., Heising K., Heurich M., Janík T., Jirků M., Klich D., König H., Kowalczyk R., Kuijper D., Maślanko W., Michler F.-U., Neumann W., Oeser J., Olech W. , Perzanowski K., Ratkiewicz M., Romportl D., Šálek M., Kuemmerle T. (2023) Widespread habitat for Europe's largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization Diversity and Distributions
: 423–437. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13671 |
Dvorský M., Mudrák O., Doležal J., Jirků M. (2022) Reintroduction of large herbivores restored plant species richness in abandoned dry temperate grassland Plant Ecology
: 525–535. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-022-01225-w |
Ambrožová L., Sládeček F., Zítek T., Perlík M., Kozel P., Jirků M., Čížek L. (2021) Lasting decrease in functionality and richness: Effects of ivermectin use on dung beetle communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
: article number: 107634. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107634 |
Janík T., Peters W., Šálek M., Romportl D., Jirků M., Engleder T., Ernst M., Neudert J., Heurich M., Heurich M. (2021) The declining occurrence of moose (Alces alces) at the southernmost edge of its range raise conservation concerns Ecology and Evolution
: 5468-5483. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7441 |
Konvička M., Ričl D., Vodičková V., Beneš J., Jirků M. (2021) Restoring a butterfly hot spot by large ungulates refaunation: the case of the Milovice military training range, Czech Republic. BMC Ecology and Evolution
: article number: 73. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-021-01804-x |
Scholz T.,
Brabec J., Hrubá K., Jirků M. (2021) High species diversity of fish tapeworms in congeneric hosts in Africa: revision of Monobothrioides (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), including description of two new species and molecular phylogeny Organisms Diversity and Evolution
: 447–466. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-021-00492-1 |
Smilansky V., Jirků M., Milner D.S., Ibáñez R., Gratwicke B., Nicholls A.,
Lukeš J., Chambouvet A., Richards T. (2021) Expanded host and geographic range of tadpole associations with the Severe Perkinsea Infection group Biology Letters
: 20210166. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0166 Documents to download: Smilansky_2021_BiologyLetters (pdf) |
Chambouvet A., Smilansky V., Jirků M., Isidoro-Ayza M., Itoiz S., Derrelle E. , Monier A., Gower D., Wilkinson M., Yabsley M.,
Lukeš J., Richards T. (2020) Diverse alveolate infections of tadpoles, a new threat to frogs? PLoS Pathogens
: e1008107. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008107 Documents to download: Chambouvet_2020_PLoSPathog (pdf) |
Hofmannová L., Jirků M., Mazánek S., Gremlicová D., Kvičerová J. (2020) Eimeria melogale n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in the Javan ferret-badger (Melogale orientalis) European Journal of Protistology
: 125668. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2019.125668 |
Byrne A.Q., Vredenburg V.T. , Martel A., Pasmans F., Bell R.C., Blackburn D.C., Bletz M.C., Bosch J., Briggs C.J., Brown R.M., Catenazzi A., Figueroa-Valenzuela R., Ghose S.L., Jaeger J.R., Jani A.J., Jirků M., Knapp R.A., Muñoz A., Portik D.M., Richards-Zawacki C.L., Rockney H., Rovito S., Stark T., Sulaeman H., Tao N.T., Voyles J., Waddle A.W., Yuan Z., Rosenblum E.B. (2019) Cryptic diversity of a widespread global pathogen reveals expanded threats to amphibian conservation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
: 41. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1908289116 |
Jirsová D.,
Štefka J., Blažek R., Malala J., Lotuliakou D.E., Mahmoud Z., Jirků M. (2019) From taxonomic defation to newly detected cryptic species: Hidden diversity in a widespread African squeaker catfish Scientific Reports
: 15748. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52306-2 |
Hofmannová L., Jirků M.,
Kvičerová J. (2018) Two new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) European Journal of Protistology
: 77–85. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2018.08.003 |
Jirků M., Dostál D., Robovský J., Šálek M. (2018) Reproduction of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) outside current resident breeding populations in Europe: evidence from the Czech Republic MAMMALIA
: 592–595. DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2017-0141 |
Červená B., Vallo P., Pafčo B.,
Jirků-Pomajbíková K., Jirků M.,
Petrželková K. J., Todd A., Turkalo A.K.,
Modrý D. (2017) Host specificity and basic ecology of Mammomonogamus (Nematoda, Syngamidae) from lowland gorillas and forest elephants in Central African Republic Parasitology
: 1016-1025. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182017000221 |
Jirsová D.,
Štefka J., Jirků M. (2017) Discordant population histories of host and its parasite: A role for ecological permeability of extreme environment? Plos ONE
: e0175286. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175286 |
Moravec F., Jirků M. (2017) Some nematodes from freshwater fishes in central Africa Folia Parasitologica
: 033. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2017.033 |
Alama Bermejo G., Jirků M.,
Kodádková A.,
Pecková H.,
Fiala I.,
Holzer A. (2016) Species complexes and phylogenetic lineages of Hoferellus (Myxozoa, Cnidaria) including revision of the genus: A problematic case for taxonomy Parasites & Vectors
: 13. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-015-1265-8 |
Chambouvet A., Valigurová A., Pinheiro L.M., Richards T., Jirků M. (2016) Nematopsis temporariae (Gregarinasina, Apicomplexa, Alveolata) is an intracellular infectious agent of tadpole livers Environmental Microbiology Reports
: 675-679. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12421 |