RNDr. Kristýna Brožová
Job Position: PhD student - Laboratory of parasitic therapy
+420 38 777 5420
Brief Profile
Kristýna has been working at the Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy since her second year at the University of South Bohemia (USB). During her bachelor's studies, she pursued a degree in Biology, and her scientific project (bachelor's thesis) focused on the diagnosis of the opportunistic intestinal protozoan Giardia intestinalis. In her master's studies in Parasitology, she addressed more advanced issues related to G. intestinalis, specifically optimizing diagnostic methods and determining the prevalence of this protozoan in asymptomatic individuals in the Czech Republic. She also received a student grant on this topic from the Student Grant Agency of USB. Currently, Kristýna continues her scientific research as a Ph.D. student in the field of Integrative Biology, where she remains focused on G. intestinalis, this time from a microbial analysis perspective. Her current research includes analyzing the bacteriome of asymptomatic people and their dogs.
- 4/2022 – Present: Ph.D. student; Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia (JU); Program – Integrative Biology
- 2022: State Rigorous Exam in Parasitology (RNDr.)
- 9/2019–2/2022: Master’s studies; Faculty of Science, JU; Field of study: Parasitology
- 9/2016–5/2019: Bachelor’s studies; Faculty of Science, JU; Field of study: Biology
- 2012–2016: Secondary education; SOŠ Stříbro, Field of study: Natural Science Lyceum
Work Experience:
- 4/2022 – PhD Student, Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC AV ČR)
- 9/2019–2/2022: Master’s thesis, Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy (BC AV ČR), "Survey of the Occurrence of the Opportunistic Protozoan Giardia intestinalis in Healthy Humans and Their Animals in the Czech Republic Using qPCR"
- 9/2013–6/2017: Bachelor’s thesis, Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy (BC AV ČR), "Study of Giardia intestinalis Prevalence"
Additional Work Experience:
- Molecular diagnostics and cloning
- NGS library preparation
- Cultivation methods for intestinal protozoa
- Coproscopic techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites
Projects & Internship:
- 2020 - Principal investigator of the project by the Student Grant Agency of JU titled “Establishment of qPCR Diagnostics for the Opportunistic Protozoan Giardia intestinalis within an Epidemiological Study in the Czech Republic”
Additional Education:
- 2024 - Blastocystis and the Gut Microbiome – a bioinformatics training school, Barcelona, Spain
- 2023 - KAPA course: NGS Library Preparation; Prague
Membership in Scientific Societies:
- Member of the COST Action Consortium Blastocystis under One Health (CA21105)