Mgr. František Kitzberger, M.Sc.
Job Position: PhD student - Laboratory of Electron Microscopy
+420 387 77 5440
I came to the fiel of electron microscopy from completely different area - BioNMR, which I was focused on in my bachelor and master studies in Linz where I was guided by profesor Norbert Mueller and his team. When I started working in the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy during my PhD studies, I focused on research in advanced methods immunolabelling using both sides of ultrathin section with detection in STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy), and volume electron microscopy (Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy - SBF-SEM). At the recent time I am focused on the processing and segmenting the data from the volume electron microscopy, followed by the model rendering and autmatization of this processes.
Bc. et BSc. degree in Biological Chemistry, Mgr. et MSc. degree in Joint Master Programme Biological Chemistry (both Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz ).
Total found: 2 records
Kitzberger F.,
Yang S.,
Týč J.,
Bílý T.,
Nebesářová J. (2024) An advanced fast method for the evaluation of multiple immunolabelling using gold nanoparticles based on low-energy STEM Scientific Reports
: 10150. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-60314-0 |
Nebesářová J.,
Ďurinová E., Kitzberger F., Skoupý R.,
Týč J. (2023) Comparison of heavy metal distribution in mouse soft tissue samples prepared for serial block face SEM using different protocols Microscopy and microanalysis
: 1183–1184. DOI: 10.1093/micmic/ozad067.609 |