Mgr. Jiří Heller
Job Position: Research Assistant - Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Protists
+ 420 38 777 5445
26 (PARU II)
Total found: 2 records
Kaurov I., Heller J., Deisenhammer S., Potěšil D., Zdráhal Z.,
Hashimi H. (2022) The essential cysteines in the CIPC motif of the thioredoxin-like Trypanosoma brucei MICOS subunit TbMic20 do not form an intramolecular disulfide bridge in vivo Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
: 111463. DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2022.111463 Documents to download: Kaurov_2022_MolBiochPar (pdf) |
Kaurov I.,
Vancová M., Schimanski B., Cadena L.R., Heller J.,
Bílý T., Potěšil D., Eichenberger C.,
Bruce H., Oeljeklaus S., Warscheid B., Zdráhal Z., Schneider A.,
Lukeš J.,
Hashimi H. (2018) The diverged trypanosome MICOS complex as a hub for mitochondrial cristae shaping and protein import Current Biology
: 3393–3407. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.09.008 Documents to download: Kaurov et al. 2018_Current Biology (pdf) |