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Total found: 307 records
Husník F., Tashyreva D., Boscaro V., George E.E., Lukeš J., Keeling P. (2021) Bacterial and archaeal symbioses with protists Current Biology 31: R862–R877.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.05.049

Documents to download:
Husnik_2021_Current_Biology (pdf)
Jirsová D., Koubková B., Jirounková E., Vorel J., Zhou X., Ding X., Gelnar M., Kašný M. (2021) Redescription of Paradiplozoon opsariichthydis (Jiang, Wu et Wang 1984) Jiang, Wu et Wang, 1989 (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) Parasitology International 84: 102409 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102409
Kostygov A., Karnkowska A., Votýpka J., Tashyreva D., Maciszewski K., Yurchenko V., Lukeš J. (2021) Euglenozoa: taxonomy, diversity and ecology, symbioses and viruses Open Biology 11: 200407.
DOI: 10.1098/rsob.200407

Documents to download:
Kostygov_2021_OpenBiology (pdf)
Oborník M. (2021) Enigmatic Evolutionary History of Porphobilinogen Deaminase in Eukaryotic Phototrophs Biology-Basel 10: 386.
DOI: 10.3390/biology10050386
Oborník M., Dorrell R.G., Tikhonenkov D.V. (2021) Editorial: Mixotrophic, Secondary Heterotrophic, and Parasitic Algae Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 798555.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.798555
Oborník M., Füssy Z. (2021) Evolutionary and Molecular Aspects of Plastid Endosymbioses Biomolecules 11: 1694.
DOI: 10.3390/biom11111694
Perner J., Hatalová T., Cabello-Donayre M., Urbanová V., Sojka D., Frantová H., Hartmann D., Jirsová D., Pérez-Victoria J.M., Kopáček P. (2021) Haem-responsive gene transporter enables mobilization of host haem in ticks Open Biology 11: 210048.
DOI: 10.1098/rsob.210048
Richtová J., Sheiner L., Gruber A., Yang S., Striepen B., Kořený L., Oborník M. (2021) Using Diatom and Apicomplexan Model to Study the Heme Pathway of Chromera velia International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 6495.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms22126495
Skalický T., Alves J.M.P., Morais A.C., Režnarová J., Butenko A., Lukeš J., Buck G.A., Teixeira M.M.G., Camargo E.P., Sanders M., Cotton J.A., Yurchenko V., Kostygov A. (2021) Endosymbiont capture, a repeated process of endosymbiont transfer with replacement in trypanosomatids Angomonas spp. Pathogens 10: 702.
DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10060702

Documents to download:
Skalicky_2021_Pathogens (pdf)
Škodová-Sveráková I., Záhonová K., Juricová V., Danchenko M., Moos M., Baráth P., Prokopchuk G., Butenko A., Lukáčová V., Kohútová L., Bučková B., Horák A., Faktorová D., Horváth A., Šimek P., Lukeš J. (2021) Highly flexible metabolism of the marine euglenozoan protist /Diplonema papillatum/. BMC Biology 19: 251.
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-021-01186-y

Documents to download:
Skodova-Sverakova_2021_BMCBiol (pdf)
Tortorelli G., Pettolino F., Lai D., Tomčala A., Bacic A., Oborník M., Lukeš J., McFadden J.I. (2021) The cell wall polysacharides of a photosynthetic relative of apicomplexans, Chromera velia Journal of Phycology 57: 1805-1809.
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13211

Documents to download:
Tortorelli_2021_JPhyl (pdf)
Turnšek J., Brunson J.K., Viedma M.D.P.M., Deerinck T.J., Horák A., Oborník M., Bielinski V.A., Allen A.E. (2021) Proximity proteomics in a marine diatom reveals a putative cell surface-to-chloroplast iron trafficking pathway eLife 10: e52770.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.52770
Butenko A., Opperdoes F.R., Flegontova O., Horák A., Hampl V., Keeling P., Gawryluk R., Tikhonenkov D.V., Flegontov P., Lukeš J. (2020) Evolution of metabolic capabilities and molecular features of diplonemids, kinetoplastids, and euglenids BMC biology 18: 23.
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-020-0754-1

Documents to download:
Butenko_BMC-Biology_2020 (pdf)
Flegontova O., Flegontov P., Castaňeda Londoňo P., Walczowski W., Śantić D., Edgcomb V., Lukeš J., Horák A. (2020) Environmental determinants of the distribution of planktonic diplonemids and kinetoplastids in the oceans Environmental Microbiology 22: 4014–4031.
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15190

Documents to download:
Flegontova_2020_EnvMicrob (pdf)
Füssy Z., Záhonová K., Tomčala A., Krajčovič J., Yurchenko V., Oborník M., Eliáš M. (2020) The Cryptic Plastid of Euglena longa Defines a New Type of Nonphotosynthetic Plastid Organelle mSphere 5: e00675-20.
DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00675-20

Documents to download:
Fussy_2020_mSphere (pdf)
George E.E., Husník F., Tashyreva D., Prokopchuk G., Horák A., Kwong W.K., Lukeš J., Keeling P. (2020) Highly Reduced Genomes of Protist Endosymbionts Show Evolutionary Convergence Current Biology 30: 925-933.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.070

Documents to download:
George_2020_CurrentBiology (pdf)
Gruber A., McKay C., Rocap G., Oborník M. (2020) Comparison of different versions of SignalP and TargetP for diatom plastid protein predictions with ASAFind Matters_ISSN_2297-8240 2020: e202005000001.

Documents to download:
Gruber_2020_Matters (pdf)
Haddad B., Gristina A.S., Mercati F., Saadi A.E., Aiter N., Martorana A., Sharaf A., Carimi F. (2020) Molecular Analysis of the Official Algerian Olive Collection Highlighted a Hotspot of Biodiversity in the Central Mediterranean Basin Genes 11 (3): 303.
DOI: 10.3390/genes11030303
Horák A., Allen A.E., Oborník M. (2020) Common origin of ornithine–urea cycle in opisthokonts and stramenopiles Scientific Reports 10: 16687.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-73715-8
Kolísko M., Flegontova O., Karnkowska A., Lax G., Maritz J.M., Pánek T., Táborský P., Carlton J.M., Čepička I., Horák A., Lukeš J., Simpson A., Tai V. (2020) EukRef-excavates: seven curated SSU ribosomal RNA gene databases Database 2020: baaa080.
DOI: 10.1093/database/baaa080

Documents to download:
Kolisko_2020_Database (pdf)
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