Total found: 516 records |
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Documents to download:
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Kontou A., Herman E.,
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DOI: 10.1111/brv.1279
Documents to download:
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Kovářová J., Novotná M., Faria J., Rico E., Wallace C., Zoltner M.,
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DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2022.111476
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Documents to download:
Prokopchuk_2022_ISMEJ (pdf)
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Documents to download:
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Tashyreva D., Simpson A.,
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Documents to download:
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Documents to download:
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Documents to download:
Zahonova_2022_BMCBiol (pdf)
Zakharova A., Albanaz A.T.S., Opperdoes F.R.,
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Documents to download:
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Documents to download:
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Zimmann N., Rada P., Žárský V., Smutná T.,
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Documents to download:
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Zoltner M.,
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