Total found: 516 records |
Dheilly N.M., Martínez J.M., Rosario K., Brindley P.J., Fichorova R.N., Kaye J.Z., Kohl K.D., Knoll L.J.,
Lukeš J., Perkins S.L., Poulin R., Schriml L., Thompson L.R. (2019) Parasite Microbiome Project: Grand challenges PLoS Pathogens
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DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008028
Documents to download:
Dheilly_2019_PLOSPathogens (pdf)
Ebenezer T.E., Zoltner M., Burrel A.,
Nenarokova A., Novák Vanclová A.M.G., Prasad B., Soukal P., Santana-Molina C., O´Neill E., Nankissoor N.N., Vadakedath N., Daiker V., Obado S., Silva-Pereira S., Jackson A., Devos D.P.,
Lukeš J., Lebert M., Vaughan S., Hampl V., Carrington M., Ginger M., Dacks J., Kelly S.,
Field M. (2019) Transcriptome, proteome and draft genome of Euglena gracilis BMC biology
17: 11.
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-019-0626-8
Documents to download:
Ebenezer et al._2019 (pdf)
Eichenberger C., Oeljeklaus S., Bruggisser J., Mani J. , Haenni B. ,
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12: 1731–1743.
DOI: 10.1111/mmi.14389
Documents to download:
Eichenberger_2019_MolMicrob (pdf)
Field M. (2019) The kinetochore and the origin of eukaryotic chromosome segregation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1908067116
Documents to download:
Field_2019_PNAS (pdf)
Field M., Rout M.P. (2019) Pore timing: the evolutionary origins of the nucleus and nuclear pore complex [version 1; peer review: 3 approved] F1000Research
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DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.16402.1
Documents to download:
Field_2019_F1000 (pdf)
Hashimi H. (2019) A parasite’s take on the evolutionary cell biology of MICOS PLOS Pathogens
15: e1008166.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008166
Documents to download:
Hashimi_2019_PlosPahtogen (pdf)
Hönig V.,
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7: 568.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms7110568
Documents to download:
Honig_2019_Microorganisms (pdf)
Jaarsma R.I., Takumi K., Kazimírová M., Silaghi C., Mysterud A., Rudolf I., Beck R., Földvári G., Tomassone L., Groenevelt M., Everts R.R., Rijks J.M., Ecke F., Hörnfeldt B.,
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DOI: 10.1186/s13071-019-3583-8
Documents to download:
Jaarsma_2019_ParVet (pdf)
Kosakyan A.,
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Documents to download:
Kosakyan_2019_ScientReport (pdf)
Kostygov A.,
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Documents to download:
Kostygov_2019_TropMedIntHlth (pdf)
Kraeva N., Leštinová T., Ishemgulova A., Majerová K.,
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Documents to download:
Kraeva_2019_Pathogens (pdf)
Králová J., Grybchuk-Ieremenko A.,
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Documents to download:
Kralova et al. 2019_IJP (pdf)
Lukeš J. (2019) Julius Lukeš Current Biology
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DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.01.038
Documents to download:
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Lukeš J. (2019) Bridging the worlds of science and religion by creating unique positions in both domains. In: D. Bermejo (Ed.) Passion for Life – Pasión por la Vida
Documents to download:
Lukes_2019_In D.Bermejo_Pasion por la Vida (pdf)
Lukeš J., Hyliš M. (2019) In Love with Microsporidia for 60+ Years: Jiří Vávra Passed Away The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology
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DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12721
Documents to download:
Lukes and Hylis_2019_JEM (pdf)
Mallapaty S.,
Lukeš J. (2019) For risky research with great potential, dive deep. Multimillion-dollar experiment generates tools to study marine microorganisms. Nature Index 360°
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Documents to download:
Lukes 2019_Nature index (pdf)
Maslov D., Opperdoes F.R., Kostygov A.,
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Documents to download:
Maslov et al.2019 (pdf)
Mihalca A., Păstrav I.R., Sándor A., Deak G., Gherman C.M. , Sarmaşi A.,
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Nenarokova A., Záhonová K., Krasilnikova M.,
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Documents to download:
Nenarokova_et al._2019 (pdf)
Okamoto N., Gawryluk R., del Campo J., Strassert J.,
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66: 519–524.
DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12679
Documents to download:
Okamoto et al.2019_inpress (pdf)