
Our general scientific interest lies in the evolutionary perspective of processes fundamental to life that have their origin in the prebiotic era, such as gene expression, protein synthesis and energy conversion. One of the keys to understanding evolution and general principles of these processes is to study them not only in canonical model organisms, which represent a limited phylogenetic range and diversity of life styles, but also in divergent species across the tree of life or in organisms with different life strategies, including, for example, parasites or endosymbionts. Because many organisms that are crucial for inferring evolutionary trends in molecular processes are not available for cultivation or genetic modification, or have not even been isolated from nature, it is necessary to rely on their genetic information. Therefore, our work combines approaches of structural biology (cryoEM) and biochemistry with homology identification, structure modeling and phylogenetic analyses to gain insight into function and evolution of macromolecular complexes in endosymbiotic organelles.

Organellar ribosomes

We study the architecture, biogenesis and evolution of ribosomes in endosymbiotic organelles. They evolved from bacterial ancestors, but in mitochondria they have diverged remarkably from their ancestral state and between different groups of eukaryotes. We ask what drives, enables and constrains their evolution.

Mitochondrial membrane protein complexes and their biogenesis

Oxidative phosphorylation complexes are central players in the energy metabolism of most cells. We are studying OXPHOS complexes, including ATP synthase, in parasitic protists to gain insight into their architecture, role in membrane formation, and mechanisms of function. We are also interested in the biogenesis of these complexes, whose assembly depends on the coordinated expression and delivery of subunits encoded in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes.


Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Parasitology
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice

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