Current and Past grants (last 10 years)
2025-2026 - (AV ČR/MPP) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - řešitel : Defining a role of adhesins in cell invasion and propulsive force generation of Lyme disease spirochetes
2025-2027 - (GAČR) - Dr. Natallia Rudenko - řešitel : Non-vectorial transmission of Lyme disease spirochetes
2024-2026 (AV ČR/MP)- Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - PI : Functional characterization of salivary proteins expressed by the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata and their role in pathogenic spirochete transmission
2023-2025 (GAČR) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - Co-PI : Probing specific interactions of well-defined glycosaminoglycans with European Lyme disease borrelia adhesins at atomic resolution
2023-2024 (AV ČR/MPP) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - PI : Characterizations of synthetic glycosaminoglycans with European Lyme Disease borrelia adhesins
2023-2026 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) - Dr. Natallia Rudenko - Co-PI : Ticks and tick-borne pathogens: new risks in the context of ongoing environmental changes
2022-2025 (GAČR) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - Co-PI : Structural and bio-nanomechanical view at bacterial dissemination in the host
2022-2024 (GAČR) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Takes two to Tango: Interactions between the C protein of TBEV and the viral RNA genome
2019-2022 - (Ministry of Health) - Dr. Natallia Rudenko - Co-PI : Importance of non-spiral forms of Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes in the pathogenesis of Lyme borreliosis and post-Lyme disease syndrome
2020-2022 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - PI : NMR of European borrelia surface proteins
2019-2022 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Flavivirus-host interactions on the transcriptional and translational level
2019-2021 (Ministry of Agriculture) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Changes in distribution of ticks and tick transmitted diseases: new and neglected risks for domestic animals, livestock and humans.
2019-2021 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - Pl : Role of adhesins in formation of Borrelia burgdorferi biofilm-like structures
2018-2021 (GAČR) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Interactions of flaviviral genomic and subgenomic RNA with host and viral proteins
2018-2021 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Development of technologies for early detection of tick borne encephalitis, based on changes in gene expression and protein production in infected antigen-presenting cells
2017-2019 (GAČR) - Dr. Ryan O. M. Rego - PI : Delineating the role of Borrelia afzelii genes required for dissemination within an infected tick during feeding
2013-2018 (FP7-HEALTH) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer, Dr. Ryan O.M. Rego (Co-PI): Anti-tick Vaccines to Prevent Tick-borne Diseases in Europe (ANTIDOTE)
2015-2017 (GAČR) - Prof. Libor Grubhoffer - PI : Novel functions of viral and cellular proteins in Tick-borne encephalitis virus infection
2014-2016 (GAJU, University of South Bohemia) - Dr. Martin Strnad - PI - Genetic manipulation of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia afzelii: Characterization of genes important for persistence/migration of the bacterium within the tick vector