David González-Solís (2016, 3 months; 2014, 5 months), ECOSUR Chetumal, Mexico
Jesus Hernández-Orts (2016, 3 months), Universitat de Valencia, Spain
Salvatore Mele (2016, 2 months), University of Sassari, Italy
Carlos Alonso Mendoza-Palmero (2015–2016, 3 months), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Mikuláš Oros (2016, 1 month; 2015, 1 month; 2014, 2 months), Parasitological Institute, Košice, Slovakia
Aneta Yoneva (2016, 3 months; 2015, 3 months; 2014, 3 months), Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ana Pérez del Olmo (2014, 2 months), Universitat de Valencia, Spain
Björn Schäffner (2014, 2 months), University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Fabiano Matos Vieira (2014, 2 months), Universidade Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tran Thin Binh (2011, 1 month), Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam
Aneta Yoneva (2010, 7 months), Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
David Gonzalez-Solis (2010, 7 months), El Colegio Frontera Sur ECOSUR, Unidad Chetumal, Mexico
Isabel Blasco-Costa (2010, 3 months), Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia, Spain
Martina Orosova (2008-2009, 2 years), Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic
Mikuláš Oros (2008-2009, 2 years), Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic
Barbara Wicht (2009, 3 months), Institute Cantonale Microbiol, CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Edgar Fernando Mendoza Franco (2009, 1 year), Mérida, Mexico
Yuriy Kvach (2008, 1 year), Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst Biol So Seas, Odessa Branch, UA-65125 Odessa, Ukraine
Andrea Gustinelli (2006, 3 months),Univ Bologna, Dept Vet Publ Hlth & Anim Pathol, I-40064 Ozzano Dell Emilia, BO Italy
Simona Georgieva (2015): An integrative taxonomic approach to the study of trematode diversity and life-cycles in freshwater ecosystems.
Carlos Alonso Mendoza-Palmero (2014): Species composition and phylogenetic relationships among monogenean parasites (Platyhelminthes: Dactylogyridae) of catfishes (Siluriformes) from the Amazon River basin.
Anirban Ash (2012): Diversity of tapeworms (Cestoda) in freshwater fish of India.
Miroslava Soldánová (2011): Composition and structure of larval trematode communities in model freshwater pulmonate gastropods in eutrophic environments in Central Europe.
Jan Štefka (2008): “Host specificity, genetic variability and genealogy in populations of model parasite species”
Roman Kuchta (2007): “Revision of the paraphyletic ‘Pseudophyllidea’ (Eucestoda) with description of two new orders Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea”
Anna Faltýnková (2006): “Developmental stages of trematodes (Digenea) in Central Europe”
Denisa Frantová (2004): Ultrastructural studies of adaptations to parasitism in spirurids (Nematoda: Spirurida) in the model ofCystidicoloides ephemaridarum.
Andrea Škeříková (2004): “Exploitation of molecular data for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of tapeworms of the order Proteocephalidea and Pseudophyllidea”
Juan Manuel Caspeta Mandujano (2000): The nematode fauna of freshwater fishes in central Mexico. A taxonimic-faunistic study.
Bc. Lucie Uhrová (2020). Molecular phylogeny of Nearctic proteocephalids of the Proteocephalus-aggregate (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea)
Bc. Tereza Vyhlídalová (2020). Production and periodicity in the emergence of cercariae of Diplostomum spp. (Digenea) from snails Radix lagotis (Lymnaeidae)
Pavla Heinclová (2019). The effect of direct predation by fish on cercarial populations of selected trematode species (Digenea)
Hynek Mazanec (2018). Molecular and morphological characterisation of digeneans of the family Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 from Iceland
Lenka Čapková (2014).Monozoic tapeworms of the genus Monobothrium (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) from the Palaeartic and the Neartic zoogeographical region
Ivana Vlnová (2015): Revision of tapeworms of family Diphyllobothriidae (Eucestoda: Solenophoridae) from the monitor lizards.
Lenka Čapková (2014): Monozoic tapeworms of the genus Monobothrium (Cestoda: Caryopyllidea) from the Palaearctic and Nearctic zoogeographical regions.
Jana Zikmundová (2014): Molecular and morphological characterisation of species of Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899 (Digenea: Plagiorchiidae) in lymnaeid snails from freshwater ecosystems in Central Europe.
Eliška Panáčková (2014): Host specifity and geographical distribution of the tapeworms of the genus Spirometra Faust, Campbell and Kellogg, 1929.
Kateřina Leštinová (2014): Morphological analysis of the tapeworms eggs of the order Diphyllobothriidae.
Lenka Šípková (2011): Spermatological characters in Bothriocephalidea (Cestoda).
Andrea Bednářová (2011): Life strategies of flukes (Digenea) with focus on the cercarial developmental stage.
Alena Burianová (2011): Revision of African bothriocephalid cestodes.
Rebecca Brown (2010, Erasmus Work Placement): “Comparative ecological and molecular approaches to parasite diversity in freshwater mollusks in Europe”
Eva Černotíková (2010): “Molekulárni fylogeneze vybraných druhů rybích hlístic podřádu Spirurina na bázi SSU rRna genů”
Petra Drobníková (2010): “Vitelogeneze karyofylidních tasemnic”
Petra Rozkošná (2010): “Monogenea cichlidních ryb peruánské Amazonie”
Ivana Haasová (2009): “Tasemnice čeledi Gryporhynchidae z Afriky”
Dagmar Jirsová (2009): “Phylogenetic relationships of small intestinal flukes (Digenea: Heterophyidae), with emphasis on the taxonomy of the Ascocotyle complex”
Björn Schäffner (2009): “Revision of Wenyonia (Caryophyllidea)”
Romana Vlčková (2008): “Taxonomic revision of tapeworms from genera Oncodiscus, Tetrapapillocephalus and Bothriocephalus (Bothriocephalidae) from lizardfishes of the genus Saurida”
Eva Horáčková (2007): “Biologie a výskyt larválních stádií motolice obrovské (Fascioloides magna) v České republice”
Lenka Kablásková (2007): “Larválni stádia motolic předožábrých plžů (Orthogastropoda) ve střední Evropě”
Jan Brabec (2006): “Paraphyly of pseudophyllidean tapeworms: testing a phylogenetic hypothesis using sequence data (18S and 28S rDNA)”
Martina Wijová (2006): “Evolutionary relationships of Spirurina (Nematoda: Chromadorea: Rhabditida) with special emphasis on dracunculoid nematodes inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences”
Eliška Stránská (2005): “Vitelogeneze a ultrastruktura vitelocytů u tasemnic”
Michaela Uhlířová (2005): “Comparative study on the fauna of parasitic oxyuroids (Nematoda: Oxyuroidea) of reptiles from Azerbaijan and selected areas of the near East”
Roman Kuchta
Jan Štefka
Anna Faltýnková (2002): “Biology of developmental stages of trematodes from aquatic molluscs”
Andrea Škeříková (2000): “Molekulární a morfologická analýza fylogeneze evropských zástupců tasemnic rodu Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae)”
Miroslava Čenková (2019). Mnohobuněční paraziti akvarijních ryb Symphysodon aequifasciatus a životní cyklus invazní tasemnice Schyzocotyle acheilognathi
Tereza Vyhlídalová (2017). Složení společenstev larválních stádií motolic (Digenea) u vybraných zástupců plicnatých plžů čeledi Planorbidae.
Lucie Uhrová (2016). Diverzita larválních stádií tasemnic čeledi Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) z cichlidních ryb (Perciformes: Cichlidae) jižní Afriky
Pavla Šedivá (2012). Comparisons of methods for fixation and preparation of samples for tapeworms by scanning electron microscopy
Kateřina Hrubá (2012): Diversity, host specifity and phylogenetic relationships of tapeworms of the genus Monobothrioides(Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of catfishes in Africa.
Michaela Jíchová (2011): The hosts and the geographical distibution of the tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea). Supervisor: Roman Kuchta
Petra Šarounová (2011): Effect of temperature on emergence of cercariae of model freshwater trematodes. Supervisor: Aneta Kostadinova
Jana Zikmundová (2011): Is there a soldier cast in freshwater echinostome trematodes? Supervisor: Aneta Kostadinova
Ondřej Máca (2009): “Parasitic crustaceans from Neotropical freshwater fish”
Andrea Bednářová (2008): “Vývoj cerkárií motolic v prvním mezihostiteli: současný stav znalostí a perspektivy”
Alena Buriánová (2008): “A comparative study of tapeworms of the genera Polyonchobothrium, Senga and Tetracampos (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea) from freshwater fish of Africa and Asia”
Petra Rozkošná (2008): “Monogenea cichlidní ryby Cichlasoma amazonarum z peruánské Amazonie”
Eva Suchanová (2008): “Ultrastruktura spermiogeneze a spermie motolice Aspidogaster limacoides (Trematoda, Aspidogastrea)”
Lenka Šípková (2008): “Spermiogeneze a ultrastructura spermií tasemnice” Parabothriocephalus gracilis (Eucestoda), cizopasnika bathypelagické ryby Psenopsis anomala”
Petra Drobníková (2007): “Vitelocyty karyofylidních tasemnic”
Ivana Haasová (2007): “Tapeworms of the family Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) parasitic in herons (Ciconiiformes: Ardeidae) in Mexico”
Dagmar Jirsová (2007): “Molekulárni fylogeneze motolic čeledi Opisthorchiidae a Heterophyidae”
Romana Vlčková (2006): “Morfometrická analýza eurasijských druhů tasemnic rodu Triaenophorus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)”
Jan Brabec (2004): “Molekulární fylogeneze tasemnic řádu Pseudophyllidea”
Eva Horáčková (2004): “Some aspects of the biology of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna)”
Lenka Kablásková (2004): “Výskyt larválních stádií motolic v měkkýších rybničních oblastí jižní Moravy a Třeboňska”
Martina Wijová (2004): “Molekulární fylogeneze na bázi SSU rRNA genů u drakunkuloidních hlístic”
Roman Kuchta
Jan Štefka
Anna Faltýnková (2000): “Vývojová stadia motolic ve vodních měkkýších v okolí Haklových Dvorů u Českých Budějovic”
Roman Drábek (1996): “Srovnávací morfologie skolexů tasemnic rodu Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), cizopasníků sladkovodních ryb v Evropě”
Eva Matějovská (1996): “Fauna motolic cizopasících u ryb řeky río Hondo a sladkovodních jezer Yukatánského poloostrova, Mexiko”