
Total found: 135 records
Kuchta R., Shinn A., Hanzelová V., Scholz T. (2006) A comparative study of the egg morphology in four species of Eubothrium (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) with comments on their early development. Invertebrate Biology 125: 1-8.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2006.00034.x
Levron C., Bruňanská M., Kuchta R., Freeman M., Scholz T. (2006) Spermatozoon ultrastructure of the pseudophyllidean cestode Paraechinophallus japonicus, a parasite of deep-sea fish Psenopsis anomala (Perciformes, Centrolophidae). Parasitology Research 100: 115-121.
DOI: 10.1007/s00436-006-0224-x
Moravec F., Scholz T., Dyková I., Kuchta R., Fiala I., Kohn A. (2006) Redescription of Alinema amazonicum (Travassos, 1960) n. comb., a philometrid nematode with unusual morphology. Journal of Parasitology 92: 138-144.
DOI: 10.1645/GE-3523.1
Moravec F., Scholz T., Kuchta R., Dyková I., Posel P. (2006) New data on the morphology of Nilonema senticosum (Nematoda, Philometridae), a parasite of Arapaima gigas (Pisces), with notes on another philometrid, Alinema amazonicum, in Peru. Acta Parasitologica 51: 279-285.
DOI: 10.2478/s11686-006-0042-4
Poddubnaya L., Bruňanská M., Kuchta R., Scholz T. (2006) First evidence of the presence of microtriches in the Gyrocotylidea. Journal of Parasitology 92: 703-707.
DOI: 10.1645/GE-755R.1
Škeříková A., Brabec J., Kuchta R., Jiménez J., García H., Scholz T. (2006) Is the human-infecting Diphyllobothrium pacificum a valid species or just a South American population of the Holarctic fish broad tapeworm, D. latum? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 75: 307-310.
Hanzelová V., Kuchta R., Scholz T., Shinn A. (2005) Morphometric analysis of four species of Eubothrium (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) parasites of salmonid fish: An interspecific and intraspecific comparison. Parasitology International 54: 207-214.
DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2005.05.001
Kuchta R., Hanzelová V., Shinn A., Poddubnaya L., Scholz T. (2005) Redescription of Eubothrium fragile (Rudolphi, 1802) and E. rugosum (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), parasites of fish in the Holarctic Region. Folia Parasitologica 52: 251-260.
Nedvěd O., Kuchta R. (2005) Živočišný kmen Cycliophora v Čechách. Vesmír 84: 344-346.
Kuchta R., Scholz T. (2004) Bathycestus brayi n. gen. and n. sp. (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) from the deep-sea fish Notacanthus bonaparte in the northeastern Atlantic. Journal of Parasitology 90: 316-321.
DOI: 10.1645/GE-3274
Scholz T., Bray R., Kuchta R., Řepová R. (2004) Larvae of gryporhynchid cestodes (Cyclophyllidea) from fish: a review. Folia Parasitologica 51: 131-152.
Scholz T., Kuchta R., Shinn A., Šnábel V., Hanzelová V. (2003) Host specificity and geographical distribution of Eubothrium in European salmonid fish. Journal of Helminthology 77: 255-262.
DOI: 10.1079/JOH2003188
Hanzelová V., Scholz T., Gerdeaux D., Kuchta R. (2002) A comparative study of Eubothrium salvelini and E. crassum (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) parasites of Arctic charr and brown trout in alpine lakes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 64: 245-256.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1016014505671
Scholz T., Kuchta R., Salgado-Maldonado G. (2002) Cestodes of the family Dilepididae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from fish-eating birds in Mexico: a survey of species. Systematic Parasitology 52: 171-182.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1015700801579
Scholz T., Aguirre-Macedo M., Salgado-Maldonado G., Vargas-Vázquez J., Vidal-Martínez V., Wolter J., Kuchta R., Körting W. (1999) Redescription of Pseudacanthostomum panamense Caballero, Bravo-Hollis, and Grocott, 1953 (Digenea: Acanthostomidae), a parasite of siluriform fishes of the family Ariidae, with notes on its biology. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington 66: 146-154.


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