Total found: 3475 records |
Scholz T., Euzet L.,
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41: 1-8.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1006091102174 |
Scholz T., Hanzelová V., Králová I., Griffiths D. (1998) Synonymy of proteocephalus pollanicola Gresson, 1952 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae), a parasite of pollan, Coregonus autumnalis pollan, with P. exiguus La Rue, 1911. Systematic Parasitology
40: 35-41.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1005939019567 |
Scholz T., Vargas-Vázquez J. (1998) Trematodes from Fishes of the Río Hondo River Freshwater Lakes of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington
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Documents to download: Votypka et al. 1998 JEM (pdf) |
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Hypša V., Aksoy S. (1997) Phylogenetic characterization of two transovarially transmitted endosymbionts of the bedbug Cimex lectularius (Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Insect Molecular Biology
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