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Tomasch J., Kopejtka K., Bílý T., Gardiner A.T., Gardian Z., Shivaramu S., Koblížek M., Kaftan D. (2024) A photoheterotrophic bacterium from Iceland has adapted its photosynthetic machinery to the long days of polar summer mSystems 9: e01311-23.
DOI: 10.1128/msystems.01311-23
Truman J.W., Riddiford L., Konopová B., Nouzová M., Noriega F., Herko M. (2024) The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis eLife 12: RP92643.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.92643
Turečková V., Oklestkova J., Zukauskaite A., Eyer L., Novák O., Strnad M. (2024) A new abscisic acid conjugate, ABA-L-Glutamate, determined in different plant species by combined immunoaffinity chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 43: 4810-4825.
DOI: 10.1007/s00344-024-11436-2
Urbanová V., Lu S., Kalinová E., Martins L., Kozelková T., Dycka F., Ribeiro J., Hajdušek O., Perner J., Kopáček P. (2024) From the fat body to the hemolymph: Profiling tick immune and storage proteins through transcriptomics and proteomics Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 5: 104072.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2024.104072
Valdés J. J., Petrash D., Konhauser K.O. (2024) A novel in-silico model explores LanM homologs among Hyphomicrobium spp Communications Biology 7: 1539.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-07258-3
Vinopalová M., Arbonová L., Füssy Z., Dohnálek V., Samad A., Bílý T., Vancová M., Doležal P. (2024) Mlf mediates proteotoxic response via formation of cellular foci for protein folding and degradation in Giardia PLoS Pathogens 20: e1012617 .
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1012617
Vodrážková M., Šetlíková I., Navrátil J., Vodrážka P., Moos M., Berec M. (2024) The hidden impact of an invasive predator: Chronic stress in common frog tadpoles Global Ecology and Conservation 50: e02835.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02835
Vojnikova M., Sukupová M., Štefánik M., Straková P., Haviernik J., Kapolkova K., Gruberova E., Raskova K., Michalkova H., Švec P., Kudlickova M.P., Huvarová I., Růžek D., Salát J., Pekarik V., Eyer L., Heger Z. (2024) Nanoformulation of the Broad-Spectrum Hydrophobic Antiviral Vacuolar ATPase Inhibitor Diphyllin in Human Recombinant H-ferritin International Journal of Nanomedicine 19: 3907–3917.
DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S452119
von Känel C., Stettler P., Esposito C., Berger S.A., Amodeo S., Oeljeklaus S., Calderaro S., Durante I., Rašková V., Warscheid B., Schneider A. (2024) Pam16 and Pam18 were repurposed during Trypanosoma brucei evolution to regulate the replication of mitochondrial DNA PLoS Biology 22: e3002449.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002449

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Kanel_2024_PlosBiol (pdf)
Votýpka J., Zeman Š., Stříbrná E., Pajer P., Bartoš O., Kment P., Lukeš J., Lukeš J. (2024) Multiple trypanosomatid co-infections of insects: the Cuban case study Parasitology 151: 567–578.
DOI: 10.1017/S0031182024000453

Documents to download:
Votypkova_2024_Parasitol (pdf)
Vrchotová N., Doudová L., Bednář J., Tříska J. (2024) Alpha-spinasterol in the roots of Impatiens glandulifera and its effects on the viability of human cells Chemical Papers 78: 3389–3397.
DOI: 10.1007/s11696-024-03335-3
Wisniewska M., Salomaki E., Silberman J., Terpis K.X., Mazancová E., Táborský P., Jinatham V., Gentekaki E., Čepička I., Kolísko M. (2024) Expanded gene and taxon sampling of diplomonads shows multiple switches to parasitic and free-living lifestyle BMC Biology 22: 217.
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-024-02013-w
Wu H., Jmel M., Chai J., Tian M., Xu X., Hui Y., Nandakumar K.S., Kotsyfakis M. (2024) Tick cysteine protease inhibitors suppress immune responses in mannan-induced psoriasis-like inflammation Frontiers in Immunology 15: 1344878.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1344878
Xiong W., Chai J., Wu J., Li J., Lu W., Tian M., Jmel M., Ippel J.H., Kotsyfakis M., Dijkgraaf I., Liu S., Xu X. (2024) Cathelicidin-HG Alleviates Sepsis-Induced Platelet Dysfunction by Inhibiting GPVI-Mediated Platelet Activation Research 7: 0308.
DOI: 10.34133/research.0381
Zikmundová V., Horáková V., Tůmová L., Koudela B., Holubová N., Sak B., Rost M., Beranová K., Kváč M. (2024) Pet chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera): Source of zoonotic Giardia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium ubiquitum and microsporidia of the genera Encephalitozoon and Enterocytozoon Veterinary Parasitology 331: 110275.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110275
Zimna M., Brzuska G., Salát J., Růžek D., Krol E. (2024) Influence of adjuvant type and route of administration on the immunogenicity of Leishmania-derived tick-borne encephalitis virus-like particles - A recombinant vaccine candidate Antiviral Research 228: 105941.
DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2024.105941
Abbas M.N., Jmel M., Mekki I., Dijkgraaf I., Kotsyfakis M. (2023) Recent advances in tick antigen discovery and anti-tick vaccine development International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24: 4969.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms24054969
Adámek Z., Palíková M. , Scholz T. (2023) Unusual sites of infection of Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) plerocercoids in an intermediate host, freshwater bream Abramis brama Journal of Fish Diseases 46: 791–793.
DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13787
Alama Bermejo G., Hernandez Orts J., García-Varela M., Oceguera-Figueroa A., Pecková H., Fiala I. (2023) Diversity of myxozoans (Cnidaria) infecting Neotropical fishes in southern Mexico Scientific Reports 13: 12106.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-38482-2
Albanaz A.T.S., Carrington M., Frolov A., Ganyukova A., Gerasimov E.S., Lukeš J., Malysheva M., Votýpka J., Zakharova A., Záhonová K., Zimmer S., Yurchenko V., Butenko A. (2023) Shining the spotlight on the neglected: new high-quality genome assemblies as a gateway to understanding the evolution of Trypanosomatidae BMC Genomics 24: 471.
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-023-09591-z

Documents to download:
Albanaz_2023 (pdf)
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