Eukaryotic cells are notably complex—for example, they have various organelles, which are membrane-bound structures with specific functions. Two of these organelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts, which function in respiration and photosynthesis, evolved from the integration of endosymbiotic bacteria to the eukaryotic cell (1). In marine systems, some nitrogen-fixing bacteria are endosymbionts...
Department of Parasitology invites you to the seminars: Veronika Rybaříková (Bc. student): Hodnocení intenzity kolonizace Blastocystis v hostitelském střevě s- a bez- zánětu pomocí qPCR a dPCR. [in Czech] Tamás Dobai (Ph.D. student): The hemoglobinolytic potential of Sphaerospora molnari Cathepsin L2. [in English] Masoud...
SIAM Student Chapter Prague would like to invite you to a visiting lecturer programme by Professor Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb
Department of Parasitology invites you to the seminars: Jakub Kolář (BSc. student): Genetická struktura nespecifické linie vši Polyplax serrata [in Czech] Jakub Žahourek (MSc. student): Phylogeny of coccidia and cryptosporidia in captive reptiles and clinical signs of such parasitized animals [in Czech, slides in English]...
Scientists around the world investigate how bat immune systems cope with viral attacks and how this information could be used to keep humans safe.
Department of Parasitology invites you to the seminars: Lenka Kotěborská (Bc. student): Genetická struktura hybridní zóny vší Polyplax serrata. [in Czech] Zuzana Císařová (Bc. student) : Příprava rekombinantního proteinu kalcium-dependentní proteinkinázy 5 prvoka Babesia divergens. [in Czech] Tereza Křečková (Mgr. student)...
Department of Parasitology invites you to the seminars: Kristýna Janovcová - Molekulární charakterizace druhů rodu Plagiorchis z prvních mezihostitelských plžů. [Bc. student; in Czech] Eliška Falářová - Vliv různých metod izolace na přítomnost korony u extracelulárních vezikul. [Bc. student; in Czech] The seminars will be held at 13:15 (to 14:45) on ...
The comprehensive genome study on Ixodes ricinus and three other Ixodes species is now publicly available at Abstract : The large-scale genome study, coordinated by Dr. Claude Rispe (Oniris, INRAE, BIOEPAR, Nantes, France), has now been submitted for publication and the preprint is available at BioRxiV. Complete...