Informations from Clarivate Analytics. Ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in Web of Science. Download Highly Cited Researcher lists from previous years:
Nature Index data - progress in rank of Czech sciences - increase of FC 11,7%. Nature Index data - progress in rank of "Top institutions" - progress to 160 rank
BTHA and BAYHOST – stipend for 1 year scholarship in Bavaria The Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency (BTHA) and BAYHOST has launched a call for a 1 year stipend for university students and graduates. The stipend is designated to finance the students of master or doctoral study program at any Bavarian public university. The stipend may be awarded also to support a 1 year study...
We are deeply concerned by the way in which our friend and colleague Professor Francisco Ayala has been forced to resign from the University of California, Irvine (UCI), after being accused of sexual harassment (“Prominent geneticist out at UC Irvine after harassment finding,” M. Wadman, News, 29 June, The charges that have been raised against him...
Dr. James H. Oliver, Jr., Dr. h.c., a renowned parasitologist, our collaborator and holder of the title Doctor honoris causa by the University of South Bohemia died at the age of 87. For his outstanding achievements in parasitology he was awarded the G. J. Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences by the Czech Acadmy of Sciences in 2004.