The Institute of Parasitology (IoP) at McGill University ( invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in One Health, focusing on host-parasite interactions, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, and their implications for global health challenges. We seek an innovative and driven researcher with a Ph.D. or equivalent to join...
Abstract: The vector competence of blood-feeding arthropods is influenced by the interaction between pathogens and the immune system of the vector. The Toll and IMD (immune deficiency) signaling pathways play a key role in the regulation of innate immunity in both the Drosophila model and blood-feeding insects. However, in ticks (chelicerates), immune...
Department of Parasitology invites you to the seminars: Monika Bürgerová (Ph.D. student) - The impact of human activity on the diversity of selected parasitic groups [in English] Supervisor: RNDr. Martina Lisnerová , Ph.D. Tamás Dobai (Ph.D. student) - Investigation the hemoglobinolytic potential of Sphaerospora molnari ...
Ticks form a stable structure around their mouth to stick to their hosts for days. Phase transitions of proteins in the tick saliva drive this adhesion.
More than 1.5 billion years ago, a major evolutionary breakthrough occurred: a cell engulfed a bacterium, which subsequently transformed into a cellular organelle that allows light to be used for energy production (i.e. photosynthesis). This event changed the face of our planet. It led to the evolution of a massive diversity of plants and algae that not only generates oxygen and absorbs the...
Interview with National Academy of Science member and International Society of Protistologists president-elect Julius Lukeš.
Welcome to the Protistology Newsletter I am pleased to introduce the first issue of our newly revived Protistology Newsletter, a publication dedicated to the fascinating world of protists and the scientists who study them. I am excited to be part of this initiative that marks the return of our society’s newsletter after...
On Saturday, November 23, the 10th annual volleyball tournament took place. As always, teams from the Parasitology, Entomology, and Hydrobiology Institutes participated. The fourth team was initially planned to consist of staff from the Technical and Administrative Support (THS), but due to various complications, including illnesses, it was not possible to complete the lineup. The team was...
Ginger M.L., Povelones M.L., 2024: Bric-à-brac, an ‘umbilical cord’ and trypanosome kinetoplast segregation. Trends in Parasitology (in press). DOI: 10.1016/ Refers to A novel nabelschnur protein regulates segregation of the kinetoplast DNA in Trypanosoma brucei Current...