Drahomíra Faktorová of Julius Lukes’ lab describes genetic tool development in marine protists and emerging new model organisms for experimental cell biology.
14 April 2021 - The Drosophila antimicrobial response: deconstructing the immune effector program using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
David Speijer: I love working as a scientist. In this profession one gets to do advanced laboratory experiments, interact with colleagues and students driven by a thirst for knowledge, and sometimes partake in advances with regard to understanding reality. Now, the “partaking” is of course limited (if it happens at all), but that limitation is more than softened, I think, by the fact that...
Abstrakt: Iron is a biochemically critical metal cofactor in enzymes involved in photosynthesis, cellular respiration, nitrate assimilation, nitrogen fixation, and reactive oxygen species defense. Marine microeukaryotes have evolved a phytotransferrin-based iron uptake system to cope with iron scarcity, a major factor limiting primary productivity in the global ocean. Diatom phytotransferrin...
30 March 2021 - The tuned orchestra played by the components of the tick midgut immune system, the microbiota and pathogens.
This blog post is provided by Ana Born-Torrijos and Miroslava Soldánová and tells the #StoryBehindThePaper for their article “Cercarial behaviour alters the consumer functional response of three-spined sticklebacks“, which was recently published in Journal of Animal Ecology.
Department of Parasitology invites you to the student seminars: Kristýna Brožová (MSc. student) - Introduction of qPCR diagnostics of opportunistic protozoan Giardia intestinalis in epidemiological studies in the Czech Republic. [in Czech, slides in English] Anežka Santolíková (Ph.D. student) - Parasitic cnidarians: comparative genomics and host-parasite interaction of unexplored...