PhD studentship - endosymbiotic kinetoplastid - position open
We are looking for a motivated and capable PhD candidate to join us to link with new RCUK-funded project to understand the role of Perkinsela, a kinetoplastid endosymbiont, in the biology of a major salmon pathogen - N. perurans. This is a unique endosymbiosis, and an opportunity to use cutting edge 'omic technologies to explore its biology and evolution. You can find out more here.
The studentship is NERC funded, University of Glasgow-based. You will benefit from expert supervision from Dr. Guillame Chomicki (Durham); Prof. Mike Barrett (Glasgow); and me - Dr. Martin Llewellyn (Glasgow). The wider team involves Prof. John Archibald (Dalhousie, Canada) and Dr. Neil Ruane (Marine Institute, Ireland). We have funds for training visits, exhcanges, conferences, fieldwork, 'omics etc. The project has two industry partners - MSD-Animal Health (Merck) and Scottish Sea Farms. Come join the team!
Application deadline is 8th January 2021 - applications should be completed at and - application links will come live shortly.