Two-year postdoc position: Phylogenomics and population genomics
Laboratory of Molecular Ecology and Evolution has funding for a Junior Researcher (postdoc) in the fields of phylogenomics and population genomics.
We are looking for an independent junior researcher with interest in evolutionary biology and strong background in bioinformatics and analyses of phylogenetic and population genetic data. Knowledge of Linux/unix and experience with scripting & programming languages (Python, R) and phylogenetic inference using WG data is necessary. Experience with population genomic and genome assembly and annotation pipelines is beneficial. A good publication record is important. The applicant should be able to coordinate a team of 2-3 students and have well-developed communication skills.
Job description: This research position will include (mainly drylab) work on two grant funded projects: 1)Phylogenomics (and species diversity survey) of Dicyemida, an enigmatic group of parasites from cephalopods (60% job time allocation). 2)Population genomics of adaptation in parasites. The project studies an interaction between host specificity, genomic differentiation and adaptation in a freshwater parasite (Ligula intestinalis) (40% job time allocation). On the 1st project, the postdoc will be responsible for designing the research strategy (amplicon sequencing design for species diversity survey, selection of tools for extracting data from wg datasets) and for analyses of obtained data (transcriptome assemblies, amplicon assemblies, mining and filtering genes into matrices, phylogenetic reconstruction). On the 2nd project, the postdoc will provide an assistance with analyses of population level NGS data (whole genome re-sequencing data, RADseq, SNP calling, demographic inference, analysis of selection, etc.). The postdoc will co-supervise one phd student and will be free to supervise undergrad students if desired (a valuable experience). There is an opportunity to take part in teaching, in field collecting trips and in other popgen projects running in the laboratory (incl. publication output).
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