Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader
Call for Expression of interest to apply for the lead of a Helmholtz Young Investigator Group
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is a foundation of public law jointly financed by the Federal Republic of Germany (90%) and the state of Schleswig-Holstein (10%) and is one of the internationally leading institutions in the field of marine sciences. Currently, GEOMAR disposes over an annual budget of approx. 80 Mio. € and has approx. 1000 employees.
GEOMAR is looking forward to receive Expressions of Interest from outstanding scientist that completed their PhD no longer than 2 to 6 years ago and are eager to establish their own adequately equipped Young Investigator Group (YIG) at GEOMAR.
Goal of funding
The Helmholtz Association and GEOMAR, as one of its centers, will jointly promote talented junior researchers. Through the Helmholtz YIGs these talented researchers are enabled to set up and lead their own research group, to achieve early scientific independence and consequently have attractive career prospects. YIG leaders are expected to cooperate closely with our partner university the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Purpose of the funding
GEOMAR will be allowed to submit 2 Helmholtz YIG proposals to the Helmholtz Association. YIG will generally receive a minimum of 300,000 € a year for 5 years. The costs will be shared equally by the Helmholtz Association and GEOMAR / the partner university and will cover the following:
- The group leader position at about E14/15 TVöD
- Scientific or technical staff
- Expenses for materials, travel, and instruments
Groups at GEOMAR might be set up in the research areas of co-financing providing research units, which are the following:
- Geohazards, Georesources and understanding the fundamental processes which underpin them
- Ocean EcoSystem Biology: Algal Functional Genetics/Systems Biology
- The role of zooplankton within the biological pump – new technologies for in-situ plankton observation
Selection criteria
- Outstanding scientific achievements and research capabilities of the candidate (CV, publications, citation index, awards etc.)
- Quality of the planned research project (innovation capacity, relevance, structure, coherence, feasibility)
- Strategic importance
The call for Helmholtz YIG is a two-stage call. For the first stage (this call) applicants are requested to send the following documents to areitz(at)geomar.de: motivation letter including a project summary (max. 4 pages, Arial, font size minimum 11, single-line spacing), a full CV including a publication list and two reviewers, and the letter of support from the GEOMAR research unit that will host the topic. Please do contact areitz(at)geomar.de before applying to this call.
More information of about the Helmholtz YIG call can be found at https://www.helmholtz.de/en/