Date: 16.01.2020
Open new position
Principal investigator at the Institute of Parasitology investigating single- or multicellular parasites and/or related organisms
The start-up package includes:
- opportunity to establish own independent research group,
- up to120 000 EUR (3 000 000 CzK) per year for 3 years (2020/2021 – 2022/2023) (including salary of PI),
- possible extension of the employment contract based on the evaluation,
- office & lab space, full access to central research infrastructure & equipment,
- opportunity to tutor and supervise PhD, MSc & BSc students of the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia,,
- professional career development of team members,
- English speaking, stimulating & friendly international environment (HR Award holder),
- professional administration support and help with all personal, economic, legal, project, IT, and intellectual property needs,
- work-life balance in a historical middle-sized university city.
Competitive candidates are expected to:
- hold a PhD and relevant international postdoctoral experience,
- demonstrate a promising track record including publications & funding acquisition,
- develop an outstanding research program and have a strong commitment to excellence in science,
- find synergy with research groups at the institute,
- apply for international & national research grants (ERC, EMBO, GACR)
The Institute of Parasitology is one of 5 institutes of the Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, located in České Budějovice (Budweis), Czech Republic. It provides an interdisciplinary and interactive collegial environment and up-to-date facilities.
Please submit your structured CV (max 4 pages) & motivation letter with detailed description of your planned research (max 4 pages) to before March 31, 2020. Interviews with selected applicants will be held in May/June 2020.