Preliminary program:
Monday, 10th June 2019
8:30–9:30 Registration
9:30 Welcome: Libor Grubhoffer (Biology Centre, České Budějovice)
9:40 Keynote 1: Yannick Schwab (EMBL Heidelberg): Targeting strategies for FIBSEM imaging in multicellular specimens - from brain metastasis to plankton symbionts.
10:10 Keynote 2: Christel Genoud (FMI for Biomedical Research, Basel): Optimization of SBEM for acquisition of large volume: challenges from sample preparation to segmentation.
10:40 Lecture: Réza Shahidi (University of Exeter): Resolving connectomic studies by ssSEM
11:00 Lecture: Marie Vancova (Biology Centre, České Budějovice): Applications of volume electron microscopy in research on ticks and tick-borne pathogens
11:20 Coffe break
11:40 Keynote 3: Irina Kolotueva (University of Lausanne): TBA
12:10 Joint lecture: Gareth Griffiths (University of Oslo): Visualising nanoparticles for drug therapy in the zebrafish embryos: by fluorescence microscopy. Jens Wohlmann (University of Oslo): Visualising nanoparticles for drug therapy in the zebrafish embryos: by EM.
12:50 Lecture: Eva Ďurinová (Biology Centre, České Budějovice): New approaches to SBF SEM specimen preparation.
13:05 Lunch
13:50 Keynote 4: Miroslav Šlouf (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague): Synthesis and characterization of novel embedding resins for 3D-SEM microscopy applications
14:20 Lecture: Markéta Dalecká (Biocev, Prague): Bubble-assisted workflow for 3D targeting of cells in correlative confocal and FIB-SEM microscopy
14:40 Company Lecture: Helmut Gnägi (Diatome): Serial sectioning for 3D reconstruction
15:00 Company lecture: Emine Korkmaz (Thermo Fischer Scientific): 3D large volume imaging- a powerful approach for cell and tissue studies
15:20 Company lecture: Jan Weert (Leica Microsystems): Artos 3D simplify your sample preparation workflow for Array tomography.
15:40 Coffe break
16:00 Demonstration of Apreo Volume Scope (Thermo Fisher Scientific)/Artos system (Leica Microsystems)/ ATUMtome (RMC Boeckeler/ LEM tour
18:00 End
19:00 Social evening with dinner
Tuesday, 11th June 2019:
9:00 Demonstration of Apreo Volume Scope (Thermo Fisher Scientific)/Artos system (Leica Microsystems)/ ATUMtome (RMC Boeckeler/ LEM tour
11:00 Round table discussion – Specimen preparation for 3D SEM
12:00 End of symposium
Registration: through e-mail to Martina Tesarova (
Questions: Martina Tesarova ( Jana Nebesarova (
The symposium is organized with the support of the project “The Strategy AV21 Czech Academy of Sciences”, the research program “Diagnostic methods and techniques”